
Thank you for visiting. Braydon was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at his 2 month check-up. I hope that reading his story, it will help out another family going through a similar situation. Also Ethan was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 1 week old.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Braydon is an Angel

Braydon's story has been posted to Avery's Angels.  This is a non-profit group started by a mom of a cranio baby.  She started off making headbands for little girls and now is making do-rags for little boys.  Please read Braydon's story.

Braydon's Story

Also Braydon's picture is featured on the Sagittal Craniosynostosis description page.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Can you believe it?

I know it's been a long time, but living with a curious 7 month old, doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging.  Yesterday we hit the 2 month post op mark.  And you would never know that Braydon went through major surgery unless you noticed his scar.  His hair is growing back blond and the incision site is healing up very nicely.  Also his head shape is very good.

Braydon has started to try and crawl.  He tries to grab the carpet in front of him to pull himself.  But he gets around a lot quicker when he rolls.  He will also scootch backwards.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  I really miss the newborn stage when I could just hold him and snuggle him.  But I don't miss the staying up all night.  Braydon will sleep from about 7:30 at night to about 5:00 in the morning.  He will go back to bed if you snuggle with him for a little bit.  He's eating fruits, veggies and dinners 3 times a day and will even eat a Vanilla wafer or 2.

He babbles a lot unless you put a phone or get him on the webcam.  I think he gets camera shy.  It drives my dad nuts because he wants to interact with him, but he can't.  At least they come back a lot.  He still has only really said Da Da and Ba Ba.  But we are working on Ma Ma.  I'm sure he will surprise me with it one day.  Until next time Braydon says keep on smiling.