It was September 23rd and I woke up all excited that Braydon was going to have his 2 month check up that afternoon. Granted I was dreading having to watch him get his shots, but that was what Daddy was for. I was really excited to see how much he had grown. See Braydon was born at 37 weeks and 6 days. He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz at birth and was 19 1/2 inches long. We could tell that he was putting on the pounds because his thighs kept getting chunkier and chunkier.
When we got to the pediatrician's office, Braydon was seen right away. The nurse had us strip him down to his diaper (man he doesn't like that) and she weighed him and measured his head and his height. He topped the scale at 11 lbs 9 oz and grown 3 1/4th inches to get to 22 3/4th inches. However his head measured 42 1/2 cm. which put him in the 93rd percentile for head size. At this point in time I just thought he had a big head (like his daddy).
Dr. Davey came in next and started his examination. Everything was great until he started looking at his head. He would feel around on the top and get a puzzled look on his face. And then lift up his head and check the back. I was starting to get worried, because my worst fears were coming true. I had always thought his head was oddly shaped, but everyone told me that oh it was because he was in the birth canal to long. It will balance out.
Dr. Davey then proceeded to go over all the good things that Braydon has done and how he has progressed. Then the dreaded words came out of his mouth. He told us that he was concerned with the size of his head and that he thought it was possible that one of his sutures had closed pre-maturely. He told us that we would need to go to Children's Hospital to get X-Rays taken of his head to determine if that was the case.
The next day we took him in to get X-Rays, unfortunately he didn't like that either. But we were in and out of there pretty quickly. I had to wait the whole weekend and all day Monday, but Dr. Davey was kind enough to call us back Monday night. I should have known that most doctors don't call you at 9:00 at night with good news.
The X-Rays had shown that Braydon's Sagittal Suture had pre-maturely fused together and Dr. Davey diagnosed him with Craniosynostosis. He referred us to a Neurosurgeon that would take a look at Braydon and his x-rays and kind of explained what we could expect with treating this. More than likely Braydon will need surgery, however we won't know the course of treatment until we meet with Dr. Puccioni. Our appointment is scheduled for Oct 28th, however I'm hoping that we can get in sooner.
Until next time...Braydon says keep on smiling.
Erin, this is a really cool blog you are doing and I'm glad you are letting us experience Braydon's journey with you! Our prayers are with your cute little guy!****Dave and Kristi M.
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon this blog. As a CS survivor, I pray for you and your family. Give your child love and protection through the journey. I wish you the best and will keep following.