Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 months since I posted. But life with a toddle is interesting at best. We've been used to the walking, but now he's climbing on everything. And well let's just say he's like his mommy and likes the electronics. When I finally get time to sit at the computer, I'm to exhausted and want to go to bed.
It's been an interesting 5 months, Terry had to have a benign lymph node removed in October. We were worried that it might be cancerous, but luckily for us everything checked out. We finally got to enjoy the holidays this year, I even attempted to help cook Thanksgiving Dinner. I more or less watched my mom do it, but I'll know for next time.
We also got to enjoy Christmas with our families because we didn't have to worry about getting Braydon sick before his surgery. Unfortunately, we were the ones who were sick. So hopefully we didn't pass our germs on to everyone else. Braydon was uber duber spoiled at Christmas. I literally thought Santa threw up toys all over my living room. But you know what, he plays with them all and is super happy. He's also a very healthy 17 month old. Who would have thought that would be the case after the past 17 months.
It's hard to believe that a year ago tomorrow, we trusted our babies future in the hands of 2 surgeons we barely know. Now we owe them everything for what they have given us. Everyone comments on how perfectly round his head is and there are NO signs of brain damage or any trauma. He's a babbling, running, climbing, all 17-month year old little boy. I couldn't imagine life without him.
I hope that as he gets older, I'll be able to write more just so we aren't doing the 6 month updates. He changes so much from day to day and I would like you to all enjoy him as we do each minute. But to tie you over, here is a before surgery picture and where he's at now. And yes, he's now a blondie.
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