
Thank you for visiting. Braydon was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at his 2 month check-up. I hope that reading his story, it will help out another family going through a similar situation. Also Ethan was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 1 week old.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Into to the morning....

So we are technically into day 2 of our hospital stay as it is now after midnight.  Terry let me sleep for a couple of hours so I should be able to stay up for the rest of the night.  Ethan is such a trooper.  He already managed to get rid of his arterial line and one of his IVs.  Granted he did them himself and he probably shouldn't have lost them this quickly, but if it means I get to hold him sooner, I'll take it.

He has had 1 oz of Pedialyte and seems to be holding it down, so we will start giving him an ounce or two of breast milk.  Once he can keep that down, we can start Lortab and Tylenol as his pain medicine and that's one step closer to getting out of ICU and onto the regular floor.  Which also means we are a step closer in taking him home.

Terry and I can't tell you how much it means to us that our family and friends took their time to text, call or facebook post that they were thinking about us.  We truly felt your support and I think that's why it seemed to go so fast once we finally got into surgery.  Also I truly believe you guys provided the strength Ethan had while waiting for surgery.  He was barely fussy even though he hadn't gotten to eat for over 6 hours.  And if you can see, he rarely misses a meal.  :)

I will try and post another update once we get moved onto the regular floor.

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