
Thank you for visiting. Braydon was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at his 2 month check-up. I hope that reading his story, it will help out another family going through a similar situation. Also Ethan was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 1 week old.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

One Month To Go

We are officially one month out from surgery.  We are going to apologize in advance if we turn down social invitations from now until July.  Our first priority is keeping everyone healthy while balancing activities for the boys.  Kind of hard right now as both boys have summer colds :(.  As surgery gets closer we will keep our followers updated.

In other news, I have contacted the geneticist in California that won a $4 million grant.  He is very interested in having our family be a part of his study.  He told us that 90% of his families have 1 child with Cranio and the rest have 2.  But none of them with 3 or more.  It will be interesting to see what comes of it.

The kids are doing great except for their colds.  Braydon graduated from Pre-School but will move onto a Pre-K program next year.  He's reall excited to participate in the all-star basketball camp at the JCC this summer and work with his favorite Bluejays.  Maybe Dougie will make a guest appearance.  

Ethan is talking a lot more, forming complete sentences.  We've come a long way in the past couple of months.

Lauren is doing good, although I can tell she's starting to get headaches as she gets really agitated at night.  But when she smiles at you, my heart melts.  However she is such a daddy's girl.  But the boys are sure in love with their sissy.

I hope everyone gets the opportunity to enjoy their summer.  The start of summer will be a rough one for us, but we know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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