I called Braydon's neurosurgeon this morning voicing some concerns about the pressure on his head. Braydon has not been sleeping well and now is banging his head against the mattress. They thought we would have to go in for a CT scan to prove that the pressure has increased. I waited all day for the doctor to call me back, but no such luck. As I'm driving home my phone rings, but I don't hear it. I see that I have a missed call and a voicemail. Of course it's the doctor's office. So I call them right back, instead of them telling me to bring him in for a CT scan they tell me that his surgery has been moved to Tuesday. I had to ask her to repeat it to me because I was to shocked to realize that in 5 days Braydon will be better.
So now we have a new date and there are so many things that I need to get done before Tuesday. Braydon has a pre-op physical tomorrow with a pediatrician we've never seen since ours is out until Tuesday. Then we have to take him to Children's on Monday to get all of his blood work done.
Braydon's surgery is scheduled for 2:30 and we need to be at the hospital at 12:30. Please keep Braydon in your thoughts and prayers and pray that he doesn't catch the stomach flu that's going around.
Hi there, I am Tony Bueltel's niece in California. I will be praying for your precious baby on Tuesday....Audrey