
Thank you for visiting. Braydon was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at his 2 month check-up. I hope that reading his story, it will help out another family going through a similar situation. Also Ethan was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 1 week old.

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's the Final Countdown!

I guess I haven't posted an update for a very long time.  We heard back from Dr. Miller's office and we have a surgery date.  January 13, 2011 will be the day when Braydon gets his life back and we can take our final ride on the cranio roller coaster (at least we hope).

Braydon is 20 weeks old today.  I can't believe that we have had this precious baby boy with us for that long.  It just seems like yesterday that we found out we were pregnant.  And now we are counting down the days until he goes in for a major operation on his head.

Now I know we have had our issues with sleeping at night and a whole lot of fussy periods, but when he laughs and smiles it makes me forget all about the hard times.  I'm also thankful that we have him in our lives, especially after Terry and I found a missing girl wandering in front of our house.  I don't know what I would have done if that would have been Braydon wandering the streets alone.

I am also thankful that through Craniokids.org, we have found another family that has a daughter with the same condition as Braydon.  They are waiting on their surgery date, but I would assume that it has to be close to Braydon's date.  While we appreciate all of your prayers, please pray for them and all of the other families that are dealing with this as well.  It's not the easiest journey, but it gives me comfort knowing that I'm not the only one on this path.

Braydon says keep on smiling.

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