
Thank you for visiting. Braydon was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at his 2 month check-up. I hope that reading his story, it will help out another family going through a similar situation. Also Ethan was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 1 week old.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2010 was truly a blessing for Terry and myself.  We welcomed a beautiful baby boy in July and also a nephew a couple of days later.  While the last 2 months were definitely hard work trying to get Braydon's surgery scheduled and getting a diagnosis, we couldn't have asked for a better year.

2011 will definitely start off with a bang and I know those first few days are probably going to be some of the most difficult days we will have to get through.  But after that we can look forward to so many good things that are going to happen throughout the year.  Another cousin for Braydon to play with, a couple of weddings to attend and the birth of some friends' babies. 

To end 2010 I was able to go visit another Cranio baby who had surgery on Wednesday.  I've been following her blog and needless to say, I probably shouldn't have read some of the posts so close to Braydon's surgery.  But it was so comforting to see that they truly are resilient.  Granted her head was pretty swollen, but she looked so peaceful and is a beautiful baby girl.  Maybe her and Braydon can be scar twins when they get older.  It's a shame they live a couple of hours away. 

I can't thank the Laake family enough for letting me spend time with their daughter.  It's amazing what type of support you can find on the internet.  I want to also thank all the families on Craniokids.org.  There is no way Terry and I would have survived the diagnosis without all of your advice.  We wouldn't have been armed with a wealth of knowledge when we met with the doctors.

After his surgery I'm going to turn this blog into something positive and make sure to update everyone on Braydon's milestones.  And the rain clouds are going to disappear and it's going to be nothing but sunshine from here on out.

We hope that 2011 brings you nothing but happiness and sunshine and that all of your miracles and wishes come true.

1 comment:

  1. 2011 is going to be a happy, prosperous, memorable year for the Bueltel family. Best wishes, prayers and hugs for your tough l'il dude tomorrow, Erin! We love you guys <3
