I can't believe that it was only 3 months ago when Braydon was first diagnosed. It seems like it was forever ago and also that time flew by quickly. If you know what I mean.
We took Braydon to the C.A.R.E.S unit to get his Pre-Op blood work done. Braydon had every single news oohing and awing over him. Everyone want to hold him and just snuggle with him. He's going to get some serious attention in Recovery. My little champ didn't even cry when they stuck him with the needle. I freak out every time they draw my blood. Braydon must have gotten his Daddy's veins because they only had to stick him once and hit the jackpot right away.
We then met with the Anesthesiologist. She looked over Braydon and listened to his lungs. She gave him the go ahead for tomorrow as long as he doesn't come down with something tonight or tomorrow morning. She told us that it will take a hour to get him prepped and under before the surgery will start and then about a hour to wake him up and get the breathing tube out. We will most likely get updates about every hour and if problems arise the anesthesiologist will come out and talk with us.
Braydon is sleeping, but I'm sure if he wakes up in the middle of the night I won't mind the extra snuggle time. We want to thank everyone for their love and support and we can't wait to get to the other side.
Please check back tomorrow as I'll be posting updates as the day progresses. This way you'll get the latest update and won't have to count on me returning a phone call or text.
I'll be thinking about you guys tomorrow. Good luck! Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about recovery.